Top shirts lightsuptee on 2020/03/30
I have a couple of beers after work three or four Peace Love Coors Light shirt nights a week. Usually two Shiner or Michelob Ultra. If I go to a restaurant or someplace that serves alcohol during the week, I’ll have one or two beers. If it’s a fancy place, perhaps one Scotch. I drink Scotch almost every weekend or every other weekend with my brother, cousin, or friends. Why do I drink? I like the taste of beer and Scotch and it’s a good way to unwind. I don’t think that I’m an alcoholic because I do sometimes go weeks at a time without alcohol and I don’t crave a drink. Note, you can’t yell louder than an M1’s turbine engine. So they won’t hear you coming, no matter how loudly you shout “ASSS COWLD BEEYAH HEEYAH!”I recommend getting a brightly pink colored motorbike the pinker the better and blast Taylor Swift on it.

Peace Love Michelob Ultra shirt

Love Rod Stewart signature shirt

Activity Director 2020 the one where they risk their lives to save yours shirt

Peace Love Coors Light shirt

Peace Love Patron shirt

Official The Bowfather shirt
Tankers love Taylor Swift because she’s on their intellectual Peace Love Coors Light shirt level and inside their tracks, you can’t see the tears roll down. Pull out one of the beers. Chug it and belch, visibly. If that doesn’t get the point across, have someone hold you in a handstand position and try to do a beer bottle kegstand. Even if you fall and look dumb, you’ll still be more intelligent than most tankers*, who have yet to master the art of moving without mechanical assistance. Anyway, she smoked cigarettes. About a pack a day. Two packs when she had a party at her house with friends, which was every weekend. And I mean every weekend.
Homepage: Lightsuptee

Peace Love Michelob Ultra shirt

Love Rod Stewart signature shirt

Activity Director 2020 the one where they risk their lives to save yours shirt

Peace Love Coors Light shirt

Peace Love Patron shirt

Official The Bowfather shirt
Tankers love Taylor Swift because she’s on their intellectual Peace Love Coors Light shirt level and inside their tracks, you can’t see the tears roll down. Pull out one of the beers. Chug it and belch, visibly. If that doesn’t get the point across, have someone hold you in a handstand position and try to do a beer bottle kegstand. Even if you fall and look dumb, you’ll still be more intelligent than most tankers*, who have yet to master the art of moving without mechanical assistance. Anyway, she smoked cigarettes. About a pack a day. Two packs when she had a party at her house with friends, which was every weekend. And I mean every weekend.
Homepage: Lightsuptee
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