Giorgio A. Tsoukalos I’m not saying it was aliens but it was aliens shirt
Thanks for asking this Giorgio A. Tsoukalos I’m not saying it was aliens but it was aliens shirt been having a hard time with this since my wife passed away. I am a simple man and i do not need much so it's tough. I have worked hard and have been able to get out of debt all around. We had dreams for retirement and those dreams where or are cut short with her demise. My motivation now is selective. Most days it's the type of work. If it really interests me like a nice furniture building job or an awkward challenge on a job site like lifting a beam into a 90-year-old home and making it work. More of a challenge the better I like it. Cutting a tree down that is leaning towards a hydro line. That's a great challenge and worth getting up for. The money is nice but it will not get you happy. Money to buy booze works but not the answer. I guess a need to experiment and try new things keeps me going. My type of work does give me a lot of challenges. Taring down walls and make new ones is a good feeling as well. Building a customer's dreams works too. I need to start building my dreams. Thanks for reminding me.

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If your question is based on responses, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos I’m not saying it was aliens but it was aliens shirt understand that the sample size is incredibly small while also being very vocal. My professional experience is the opposite of your question. Most psychologists (and I am using that term specifically not as “therapist” or “counselor” but in reference to the legally protected terminology for a licensed individual holding a doctoral degree in psychology) treat personality disorders and it is the minority that avoid them. After writing my answer the other day I remembered one psychologist who later stopped treating individuals with borderline personality disorder but I’d say her case was unique. The colleague in question was in her mid- to late 60’s when one of her patients began engaging in self-injurious behavior in her waiting room before session and she was not able to stop her. The patient had to go to the ER by ambulance for stitches. After that my friend said she was not equipped to work with that sort of risk anymore. In fairness, she did not strictly stop treating patients with borderline personality disorder.
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