Mrs. Brown’s Boys that’s nice now feck off vintage shirt
I can tell you this right now. If I made as much money as some of these actors then you can be dam sure I would be looking into ways of keeping as much as possible. Get off your so called moral high grounds because I'm sure a lot other people would do too. Leave them alone! BBC Should be ashamed! I didn’t watch this but I can only imagine it was yet another call for people to fulfil their ‘moral obligation’ to pay tax. Tax is not a moral obligation, it’s a legal one. We’d all pay less if we could. If what they are doing is legal and they have structured their affairs in a way to be tax efficient then good for them I say. Whether the system needs to change is another question entirely. Whilst I applaude the media investigating and uncovering illegal activities placing your investments overseas isn't illegal. Shaming people by catcalling them "Tax Dodgers" is a disgraceful way to represent the BBC!

Buy this shirt: Mrs. Brown’s Boys that’s nice now feck off vintage shirt

Buy this shirt: Mrs. Brown’s Boys that’s nice now feck off vintage shirt
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