I’m tired of paying rent and bills sometimes I wanna do bald headed hoe shit shirt
Keep being you. A lot of teachers just do not get it and treat the kids like they're a problem. I know, because they were just awful to my son and did not listen when I told them his brain works differently. Dealing w this w my child. It's awful and heartbreaking. I was sooo looking forward to visiting Sedona for the first time May, but there's always next year. Headed to Sequoia & Kings National Park Canyon this summer instead. Steve Jobs's favorite song was "One Too Many Mornings" by Bob Dylan. He was an indisputable fan of Dylan, already since his years at university. He used to write the lyrics of Dylan's songs on paper when he felt lost. He was trying to adapt Dylan's songs to his life. And then there is the whole weird idea of doing stunts so some strangers on the internet can admire you. Oh America where are you headed . I feel sorry for their poor babies and hope they get raised by people with some intelligence.

Buy this shirt: I’m tired of paying rent and bills sometimes I wanna do bald headed hoe shit shirt

Buy this shirt: I’m tired of paying rent and bills sometimes I wanna do bald headed hoe shit shirt
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