Best freakin’ fan ever Marvel Avengers shirt
In Avengers 1, Loki comes to earth to cause mischief with the Tesseract, but Thor arrives, catches Loki, and the rest of our new team gathers on the Helicarrier. Nick knows his AvengersInitiative needs to earn some traction as Tony said, but he believes it's the very type of crisis for which he does not need Carol. A hostile alien, a magic stone or two. He manipulates the team with the Coulson cards. Coulson is dead, but Loki is not a global threat yet. Finally, the Council authorizes a nuclear strike on Manhattan. So, Nick knows there is an army invading space. Should he call Carol? So, the bomb is in the air. Nick pulls a lure, then he calls Tony for Iron Man to take care of it. Avengers Ultron Era: Fury was late for the party. Tony built his armor around the world and kept everyone in the dark except Banner. Nobody saw Ultron coming; he was in an experimental phase, and intended to end the need for the Avengers. Strucker's experiments with the scepter and the purchase of Vibranium were also not known to Fury.

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