Thanos’20 make the universe great again more jobs more food more standards shirt
There is no very clear answer on this subject. So personally I think this is due to the fact that since it causes the decimation name given to the gesture of Thanos and carries the Infinity Glove, then it can not go to dust like the other 50% of the universe. Indeed, to bring together the stones of infinity and to provoke the decimation at expensive cost to Thanos and on the long term. So I think that since he sacrificed everything for the stones and in addition he wore the glove, it gave rise to the fact that he did not go to dust. With a power stone in his possession and against a Galactus weakened by hunger. The result of the fight would remain the same, the cosmic entity wins. To compare: It's a fly fight versus Man. After if you give a nuclear warhead to the fly, the result of the fight is not the same.

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Buy this shirt: Thanos’20 make the universe great again more jobs more food more standards shirt
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