Mermaid with harp June woman the soul of mermaid the fire of a lioness shirt
If you notice Mermaid with harp June woman the soul of mermaid the fire of a lioness the heart of a hippie the mouth of a sailor shirt and hardly anything that tells who they really are? Like normal human being? In order to respect your opinion show me who you really are and I’ll respect you. You know, anyone would probably be shot on site for climbing on Kim Jong il’s or Kim Jong un’s statues. Good thing we live in America where rescue people risk their own lives and get morons to safety when they put themselves in danger. I see an unarmed woman peacefully standing up for her convictions and a group of heavily armed police by her side. When was the last time anyone of us you stood up for someone? I salute her message and her passion. Fairly extreme, but then so is putting small children in Cages or losing track of where you’ve put them.

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