Gold lips April girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve a fire in my soul shirt
Please stop overinflating your lips and Gold lips April girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve a fire in my soul shirt. I couldn’t even finish watching the video. What is up with that stupid side tongue thing everyone is doing?! It drives me bonkers. I hate the thing she does with her tongue but she, her lips and her looks are beautiful! Stop hating. It’s not cute. Use a model that doesn’t inject her face with crap. Also, the tongue thing is super cringed, stop. For the love of God stop. As someone that works for a hematologist, this looks like a blood clot waiting to happen. No way in hell would I do this, especially multiple times. People are nuts. Aside from the purple lips, what does she use on her face, her skin is so perfect. So basically that Kylie Jenner challenge is now a product people can buy I wouldn’t be broadcasting this thing.

Buy this shirt: Gold lips April girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve a fire in my soul shirt
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